About Cocoon CultureCocoon culture no.47 is an information capsule from S.M.Lie. Maintained on an event basis.What this site containsReference to my writing, music and visual expressions. The Library - features poetry and fairytales and various other stuff. The Gallery exhibits oil paintings and sketches as well as flash animations. There is also a small shop for online ordering of my creations. Purpose of siteThis site caters for my web presence in the "New World". It enables me to present my creations to the world and establishes some kind of communication channel with people elsewhere in space. In addition to this, my creations becomes available for online sale and distribution. Those who want to support my existence get an opportunity to do so. A global reference to my work will also be available anywhere, anytime, to anyone for as long as this civilization last (possibly beyond). ** A Note on the site language : English has primarily been chosen in order to reach a global audience. Background for site nameI've chosen the name "Cocoon Culture" for this site. Inspired by this feeling
that although the world is fusing into one, and the opportunities for communication are
immense, we're isolating ourselves from each other. Encapsulating ourselves in
cocoons spun out of threads of copper wires and fiber optics. Self-contained in
isolation. Alone. In our private space. Apart from those in our presence. Connected to
others remotely. Longing. Through the winter. Longing for the summer. Longing to
spread our beautiful wings, and fly into the new world......