Links to culture on the netMy subjective spagetti guide to culture on the net, with a norwegian flavour :)A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - Ma - Mu - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Æ - Ø - Å- A -Arthttp://www.dalesgalleri.no - Dale's Galleri og Rammeverksted http://www.odin.dep.no/repub/96-97/stmld/47/ - St meld nr 47 (1996-97) Kunstnarane http://www.toxixity.com/ - Artist-site. SF,CA - Mess around, not shure why c-info http://www.wackycrackheads.com/crackshak/ - Beautifully designed flash site. http://www.magicdesign.com/angelshock.htm - Divine info http://www.ziger.com/ - Danish Artist ? - Photorealism - c-info http://www.flying-colours.net - Flying Colours - Jethro Tull information resource http://www.kunst.no/ -
Kunstnett - Kluss .... ArticlesCoach potato report - using keyword cocoon culture.... in second article. Interesting
information about the social implications of technology. Newswise is some form of
educational magazine with philosophy and reasoning.
General -http://www.usenet.no/ -
Oversikt over newsgroup hiarkiet i norge. http://www.lovdata.no/ - Norges Lover, regler og forskrifter. http://www.ft.dep.no/ - Statens forvaltningstjenestes (Ft) - Funny information from the Bureaucracy http://www.ektoplasma.no/ Poetry, Art, Fun no.kultur.diverse News group, low activity (less than 1 ppd. December 1999) Literature -http://poetry.com/ - Free Poetry Contest, Poems, Publishing, Links and Chat http://www.promo.net/pg/index.html Project Gutenberg http://www.boknett.no/ - Metalinks til litterære ressurser - kommersielt og offesielt - greit utgangspunkt. http://www.forlagsentralen.no/ - Forlags sentralen http://w1.2559.telia.com/~u255900228/ - Diktsammling "Fri luft og Tanker av Jern" av Gisle A. Østraat http://home.newmedia.no/poesi/ - Diktsammling av Egil Krogh http://www.britannica.com/ - ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA http://www.litopia.com/ - Literary Agents to the World's Most Creative People http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~sapere/ - Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education http://www.bibsys.no/ - BIBSYS - Searchable database http://www.nb.no/ - National Bibloteket - Usefull info - main resource. http://kvasir.sol.no/art/lit/ - Meta Data - Kvasir Norwegian literature related page http://www.flux.no - Norwegian Magazine - Culture - Reality - Science etc. http://www.nettopia.no - Norwegian online litterature site, poems and "prosa", metalinks no.kultur.litteratur.diverse - News group for discussion of litterature. http://www.IvarBakke.com - On line articles by farmer and net writer Ivar Bakke. http://www.reasonmag.com/index.html - Reason Online http://www.flashback.se/arkiv/s/ - Flashback underground library http://www.litteraturnettet.no/
- ref. point Markethttp://www.dinside.no/auksjon - Buy/Sell stuff, auction. www.qxl.no - update of the above link. Nothing last for long these days. no.annonser.it.maskinvare.diverse - Newsgroup buy/sell/trade it related equipment, medium activity pr. dec. 1999 Music -http://www.fruityloops.com/ - Fruity Loops. http://www.egad.net/Rev.html - Jetboy junction / vintage synt info. + more http://www.mp3.com/ - The number one site for listening to New music, downloading or purchasing. Approx. 80.000 songs online. http://www.mp3.com/irrelevant - Listen to & Buy my albums "Babylonian System Failiure - Part 1 : Falling" (1999) or "Proton" (2001). http://www.hitsquad.com/ - Music software resource, downloads, the only site you'll need. no.kultur.musikk.diverse - Newsgroup for music, medium activity (30 ppd. december,1999) Newshttp://www.stavanger-aftenblad.no/ - OK norwegian newspaper. Recomended Linkshttp://www.d4maths.co.uk/mirage/index.shtml - Tony's Home PageHard Hat Area. Protect your soft brainSciencehttp://home7.c2i.net/w-240251/ - Helge Aspevik's alternative Kontinentaldriftsteori - omhandler problemer med Alfred Wegeners geologiske teorier om hvordan kontinentene flyttet på seg. Technical -http://www.ocshoot.com -
Overclockers shootout, great pc/windows resource. (World-Norwegian) http://www.w3.org/ - The ultimate resource for info about HTML, CSS & SMIL etc. http://www.tomshardware.com/overclock.html - Hardware topics - CPU Overclocking - Tuning - Performance issues. http://www.mycomputer.com/ - Usefull source for web stuff : counters, stats, guestbook, site search, bannerX etc. http://www.real.com/ - Real Networks : Realplayer 7.0 for online audio/video streaming http://www.macromedia.com/ - Macromedia : Flash 4.0 player for animation streaming http://www.jentech.com.au/search_engines.html - Search Engine submission Index page. http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/ - CIAC Security Website Div. links (un categorized)http://www.shatteredreality.net/ - ? http://www.ub.lu.se/cgi-bin/nmdc.pl - Dublin Core Metadata Template http://insects.org/ced4/peigler.html
- "Non-Sericultural uses of Moth Cocoons in Diverse
Cultures." http://www.louipimps.com/artists/radianation/ - Cool story. http://www.forteinc.com/ - Agent News reader. $29 for the pro. version. Noise control
See the Computer Noise Report for
updated links on this topic & other silent related stuff. |